Както се казва, лудият е този, който дава баницата...
Saturday, 25 February 2023
Friday, 24 February 2023
Фб Съчетание с 5 топки на ансамбъл девойки БГ
Това вече без съмнение е "Българската школа". Новаторско и креативно, трудно, технично, артистично, пресъздаващо музиката с изразните средства на художествената гимнастика, вдъхновено... и чудесно изпълнено.
Това вече без съмнение е "Българската школа". Новаторско и креативно, трудно, технично, артистично, пресъздаващо музиката с изразните средства на художествената гимнастика, вдъхновено... и чудесно изпълнено.
!!! Фб "Но ти защо реагираш? '
Някога, когато започнах дачета и изучавам психология, не можех повече да чета художествена литература. Струваше ми се нещо изфабрикувано, но с претенции да представя реално човека и неговите отношения. Мина доста време преди постепенно да мога да се върна първо към Голямата класика... А сега слушам онлайн дори аудио разказчета-еднодневки (повечето от тях) ...
Тези думи на Н.Д. Уолш" ми припомнят онази моя възхита от науката психология. Макар че, като всяко нещо, тя може да се използва и за зло.
Тези думи на Н.Д. Уолш" ми припомнят онази моя възхита от науката психология. Макар че, като всяко нещо, тя може да се използва и за зло.
Апропо, как да се справяме при социално бедствие? Например война или замаскирана, подмолна агресия спрямо големи групи от хора и цели общества? По отношение на индивидуалната си рефлексия и на ситуацията. Кой раздел на психологията дава отговор на тези въпроси?
Monday, 20 February 2023
Мога да припозная тази страна и народ днес само в някои неща
Saturday, 18 February 2023
Израелска компания е манипулирала поне 27 избори за президент и парламент в цял свят
Да бе само една и дано това.
Подозирам, че е само. Точица от айсберг (не връх).
Да бе само една и дано това.
Подозирам, че е само. Точица от айсберг (не връх).
Friday, 17 February 2023
Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Sunday, 12 February 2023
Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Sunday, 5 February 2023
!? Y Contemporary models
Contemporary WP models
Realizational models The exemplar-based structure of a classical WP model led, in short, to an impasse. Interdependencies were exhibited by the forms of exemplary items, or encapsulated in ‘inflection classes’ that these items were taken to represent. Individual correspondences were described...
(Word and paradigm morphology)The contemporary biopsychosocial model
The biopsychosocial model can be defined as a model of human illness (rather than disease) that includes biological, psychological, and social dimensions, and the interactions between them:15,18 ? Biological: illness originates from a health problem and always has a biological substrate in body or brain...
(Fitness for work : the medical aspects)Profit and contemporary neoclassical models
Contemporary neoclassical theory unfolds around at least two lines of research: the theory of economic growth and the theory of output fluctuations. Both areas of research have been developed upon the neoclassical theory of distribution; that is, upon hypotheses concerning the subdivision of output into...
(A Macroeconomic Analysis of Profit)The multidimensional model of career decision-making profiles
Gati et al. (2010) suggested that individuals in the situation of career decisionmaking should use more than just one style. They suggested using a range of strategies in different decisions. To characterize an individual with a single dominant trait may lead to over-simplifying an individual’s manner...
(Eastern European Perspectives on Emotional Intelligence: Current Developments and Research)The Self-Determined Career Design Model
Self-determination competence, one of the cornerstones of IBET, is positively correlated with improved adult outcomes (Wehmeyer & Palmer, 2005; Wehmeyer & Schwartz, 1997). A causal relationship between Wehmeyer's model of self-determination instruction and goal attainment was reported in a U.S. Department...
(Teaching Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Curriculum Planning and Strategies)RETAIN: a research-informed model of continuing professional development for early career teacher retention
Tanya Ovenden-Hope, Sonia Blandford, Tim Cain and Bronwen Maxwell Introduction In 2018, after the RETAIN pilot programme had been completed, independently evaluated and the findings reported by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), a blog was written by Jones (2018), a lead of a Research School1...
(Exploring Teacher Recruitment and Retention: Contextual Challenges from International Perspectives)Contemporary Models of Practice
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP, 2010) ‘Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services’ outlines ten practice domains for school psychologists. The practice model identifies three foundational domains (Diversity and Development in Learning; Research and...
(Theories of School Psychology: Critical Perspectives)History teaching in contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina: a challenge to the conflict narrative development model
Although Bosnia and Herzegovina is an internationally recognized and independent state, the country’s three constitutive people have not yet agreed on a unified history curriculum for elementary and secondary schools. Instead, three different curricula persist: those of the two entities (the Federation...
(Healing and Peacebuilding After War: Transforming Trauma in Bosnia and Herzegovina)Teaching Additive Inverse through a Part-Whole Model
Scenario Imagine you are a first-grade teacher. How will you teach the following fact family to your students during their initial learning? 5+3= 8-3= 3+5= 8-5= 1 What is the big idea that you will expect students to understand? 2 What representations will you use during teaching?...
(Teaching Early Algebra through Example-Based Problem Solving: Insights from Chinese and U.S. Elementary Classrooms)
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Времето до Коледа!
Сняг, дъжд, виелици, но и меко време през поредицата празнични дни https://vremeto.dir.bg/novini/snyag-dazhd-vielitsi-no-i-meko-vreme-prez...
https://www.facebook.com/share/p/i1vK8vEUxifDimLG/ Свързването обратно с природата е трудна борба, но стихотворението описва една красива м...
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=304mywDzN_w И историята й, накратко, разказана от Кирил Маричков: https://youtu.be/xFpi0MP75M0?si=9fuPfLddPM06...
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